Alex Christiano

Day 2:
Today what stuck out to me was the in depth research we did regarding lobsters. I did not really enjoy the work because I feel like I did not learn a lot because of how many people were in our group. Also, other groups did other portions, and it wasn't easy to learn a lot from the others. I think once we start hands on learning, that will be a lot better. I have some friends in our group, and am getting to know others as well which makes me bond more with my peers. I can hang out with my current friends, and start to talk to more seniors that I might not know that well. I do not really think we have many difference because we are all working towards a common goal and making lobster traps. I definitely think we need to work together to make the traps quickly because they could take a lot of time to completely finish. I also feel like most of our challenges will arise once we are in the water, physically interacting because that will require a lot more teamwork and trust. Diving usually requires group cooperation in order to run smoothly.

I think I learned the importance of making traps for lobsters, and I learned that I need to work smartly. For example, if I were to thread the lobster traps without using one continuous loop it would take a lot more time than it would with a continuous loop. I can improve my communication by communicating more in the group. If I communicate more with our group by taking more, that will increase our efficiency, teamwork, and inter-communicating. I think also that as the year goes on that we will communicate more because we will have spent more time together. After that, we should be at top efficiency.

Welcome to COAST. Our project this year relates to the marine biology of Crystal Cove, and our studies of lobsters and their larvae. We have 17 members and 2 teachers helping us. We all have interest in the biology of Crystal Cove, and it seems like we all want to try out best to change the information we have on lobsters in Newport Coast. Personally, I also am very interested in being able to Scuba Dive considering that my dive is a passionate certified diver. I want to carry on the family tradition of oceanic diving.

If we can change Newport Coast for the better, that would make me very happy. I think that with Dr. Haney and Mr. Irwin's help we can collect a lot of important data, and make conclusive analysis regarding the lobster larvae in Newport Coast. I really want to get in the water too, especially because I live right next to the beach and go to school close to the beach as well. I hope to develop a greater understanding of my local backyard beach park.


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